
Friday, May 28, 2010

On the Road Again

Last night I was outside after dark and I heard a strange noise that kept getting louder.  And louder.  Coming from the sky.  It sounded kind of like a tractor motor.  I looked up and did one of those cartoon moves where I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing correctly.  Right up there, crossing in front of the big, full moon, in my funky, weird little Oklahoma City neighborhood was a BLIMP with a rotating sign of lights that said "SUMMER IS COMING...ARE YOU READY?"  It then went on to promote a lawn service.  It just kept circling around and around asking me if I was ready for summer.

And in that moment a couple of things struck me as odd.  1.  Hello...a Blimp...  Something I don't see every day and 2.  OH MY GOSH IT'S ALMOST SUMMER!  I should have been tipped off by the fact that school is out, it's been 90 degrees here for a week, and everyone is making Memorial Day plans, but it took a giant blimp flashing a neon sign to make me realize how quickly time has flown this year and how much there is to do over the next few months!

And because so much has happened, I have so much I want to post on the Dotopotamus! 

But I haven't been home much in the last month, and we are headed out again this evening on our second road trip in three weeks driving from Oklahoma to Washington state.  Another week in Oregon and Washington, getting Randy moved up to McChord Air Force Base.

But someday soon there are things I want to share with you.

Like this!

And this!

And this, too!

But for today I'll settle for this.  It's Memorial Day weekend and I am thinking of those who have served, and currently serve, in our military and I want to say thank you!

Your sacrifices humble me.

Do you read  The Pioneer Woman ?  I love her blog.  Check it out this week - her "photography" section - to see a wonderful selection of photos submitted by her readers called "Coming Home".  Dare you not to cry!

And to that end, I'm really proud of Randy who, yesterday, on his very last day at Altus Air Force Base, received his Meritorious Service Medal for his good works at that base over the last four years.  He's done a great job and now it's off to McChord AFB in Tacoma, Washington for more adventures. 

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