Goodbye 2007, Hello 200Awesome!
As I sit hear reading the title for this post - my attempt at positive thinking - I've decided to scrap positive thinking as a new year's resolution. It just doesn't suit me, you know? To thine own self be true...
Perhaps a more Lori Holliday True title would be, "Goodbye 2007, Hello 200I Wonder If This is the Year I'll Finally Lose Weight?".
The one and only resolution I'm making this year is to take at least one picture every day.
That's it.
Nothing big. Nothing heady. Nothing that involves deprivation or analysis.
I'm just going to take pictures.
Oh, and exercise, lose weight, get organized, pray, take a voyage of self discovery, volunteer, reconnect with old friends and get married.
I wish you all a wonderful 2008 and seriously hope that your wildest dreams come true. Wouldn't that be great if all of our wildest dreams came true in 2008? I mean can you even really imagine?
Hey, did you have a good Christmas? I sure did. I spent one whole week with my folks at the Last Stop and had a terrific time doing some serious relaxing. It was wonderful.
I thought it would be fun to show you some of my Christmas presents.
These potato chips with added caffeine, B vitamins and Taurine are super tasty. Enjoy them with some Mountain Dew and you're sure to get that house cleaning finished in no time.
Yeah, I've told you before how much I enjoy the ole iPod...
Because nothing's too good for the Dotopotamus!
Just because these aqua dots are coated with a chemical that when ingested acts as GHB - the date rape drug - doesn't mean they aren't super cool to play with !
An electric martini shaker...because shaking my own cocktail is just too darned taxing.
But you wondered if I was serious, didn't you? That's why I decided to write JUST KIDDING here at the end. Because I guessed enough of you thought I was serious that I had a crisis in confidence and decided I'd better let you in on the joke. (Oh, and this year I'm going to therapy to work on self esteem issues...)
Peace and goodwill to all. Happy New Year!
Labels: Picture This, Rambling
At 1/03/2008 ,
Anonymous said...
You had me going there for a bit. And then I thought, "SURELY, she would have told me she got some caffeinated chips. SURELY, she would have shared them with me. Especially after our conversation about the awesomeness that is Diet Mt. Dew."
Seriously, if you find a place selling these chips, let me know.
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